Providers M to P
- Melbourne Metropolitan College
- Melbourne Polytechnic
- Melbourne Tech Institute
- Melbourne Trades College
- Melbourne Trades College
- Melbourne Training College
- Melissa Mahoney Legal College
- Mentor Education
- Mentor Human Resources
- Menzies Institute of Technology
- Menzies School of Health Research
- Meo Training
- Mercury Colleges
- Mercury Institute of Victoria
- Meridian Vocational College
- Mervic College
- Metro Trains Melbourne
- METS Training Services
- Mid City College
- MIG Training
- MiHaven Training
- Milcom Institute
- Milestones International College
- Mining Transport and Construction Services
- MinRes Training Institute
- Mint International College
- Miro Training Centre
- Mobile Plant Operator Training Services
- ModSkills Talented Training
- Monarch Institute
- Monash College
- Monash University
- Morley Senior High School
- Morrissey Training
- Motor Traders Association of NSW
- Move Academy
- MP Training and Recruitment
- MRWED Training and Assessment
- MSA Training and Professional Development
- MSS Safety
- MTA Institute
- MTA Training
- MTC Training
- Multisec Training
- MultiSkills Training
- Murdoch University
- Murray ACE Training Solutions
- Murray House Resource Centre
- Murray Mallee Training Company
- My CPE
- My Pathway
- My Skills Australia
- My Trade Start
- NAM Training
- Nambour Christian College
- Nara Training & Assessing
- Narbil Training
- National Business Institute of Australia
- National Civil Train
- National College Australia
- National College of Dance
- National College of Vocational Education
- National Courses
- National Finance Institute
- National Fitness College
- National Food Institute
- National Institute of Beauty
- National Institute of Construction Skills
- National Institute of Education and Technology
- National Institute of Technology
- National Polytechnic of Australia
- National Property College
- National Real Estate Learning
- National Retail Association
- National Skills
- National Skills Training Institute
- National Training
- National Training College of Australia
- National Training Masters
- National Training Organisation
- National Training Services
- National Training Solutions
- Nationwide Academy
- Nationwide Training
- Natwide Personnel
- NDA Training Tasmania
- NECA Education & Careers
- NECA Training
- Nepean Community College
- Nepean Industry Edge Training
- Nepean Institute of Health and Management
- New Age Professionals Training Academy
- New England College GC
- New England College Melbourne
- New Era Institute
- New Futures Training
- New York Film Academy Australia
- Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy
- Newgen Education
- Newton College
- Nexar Training Academy
- NextGen Skills
- NHA Australia
- Niashi School Of Management and Technology
- Noble Training Academy
- Noble Training Group
- Noosa District State High School
- North East Vocational College
- North Metropolitan TAFE
- North Regional TAFE
- North Ringwood Community House
- Northern Beaches & Mosman College
- Northern Territory Training Services
- Nova College
- Nova Institute Of Technology
- Novaskill
- NSW Health
- NSW Institute of Education and Training
- Nurse Training Australia
- O'Halloran Fire & Medical
- Oak Leaf Education Institute
- Occupational Skills Centre Australia
- Oceania College of Technology
- OCTEC Limited
- Olinga Learning Institute
- ONCALL Training College
- One on One Nail and Beauty School
- One Step Further
- Onfit Training College
- Online Academy of Real Estate
- OnRoad OffRoad Training
- Op-Skill Development Group
- Open Colleges
- Open Colleges School of Health
- Optec
- Optimistic Futures
- Opulence College
- Orange College
- Origin Institute
- Original Campus
- Orion Training
- Outdoor Training College
- Outer Eastern Training Institute
- Outsource Institute
- Oz Care Training
- Pacific College of Technology
- Pacific College Sydney
- Pacific Training Group
- Page Institute
- Pakenham Institute
- Parabellum International Training
- Parade College
- Paragon Corporate Training
- Paragon Polytechnic
- Paramount Adventure Centres
- Park Orchards Community House and Learning Centre
- Partners in Training Australia
- Pathways Psychology Institute
- Patrick's College Australia
- Pax Institute of Education
- Peach Institute
- Peak Services
- Pearsons School of Floristry
- Pegasus International College
- Penfold College
- Perth College of Beauty Therapy
- Perth College of Business and Technology
- Perth Security Training Academy
- Pest Education Services & Training
- Pet Professionals
- Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- Phillips Institute
- Phoenix Academy
- Photography Studies College
- Pinnacle Institute
- Pinnacle Institute of Education
- Pinnacle Safety and Training
- Pioneer College
- Pioneer International College
- Pirtek
- Pivot Institute
- Pivotal Education
- Plenty Training
- PM Squared
- PNL 4WDriving
- Polytechnic Victoria
- Positive Training Academy
- Power Safety Training
- Practical Outcomes
- Practical Training Pathways
- Precise Training
- Precision Training
- Precision Training Academy
- Prestige Service Training
- Prestige Training Academy
- PRET Australia